123s of Aesthetic Training Centers

June 18, 2024

In recent years, the demand for aesthetic procedures has surged, with more individuals seeking cosmetic or non-invasive treatments that combine medical-grade techniques with a relaxing spa-like environment. As the popularity of medical spas grows, so does the need for skilled practitioners. In turn, this highlights the importance of specialized training centers in the aesthetic health care space. These centers play a pivotal role in equipping professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver safe and effective treatments. This article focuses on setting up compliant aesthetic training centers, to set in motion a more successful center.

What is an Aesthetic Training Center?

Aesthetic training centers offer specialized courses and workshops for the services commonly found in a medical spa or non-invasive services of a medical practice. Trainees are typically licensed professionals like nurses, nurse practitioners or physician assistants. The trainees have the licensure and the general background needed, but these courses provide them the specific training to perform the treatments. Trainees who enroll in courses or programs offered by these centers are usually required to pay tuition fees. The cost varies depending on factors such as program duration, level of expertise taught, and the center’s reputation. Furthermore, these centers can vary in their approach to education, offering either hands-on learning experiences or focusing solely on educational aspects. In hands-on learning environments, trainees actively engage in practical activities, such as administering treatments under the guidance of experienced instructors. This approach allows students to directly apply theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in a supervised setting. For example, trainees may learn to administer injectables like Botox or dermal fillers by practicing on models or simulation equipment. Conversely, some training centers primarily focus on educational aspects without providing hands-on practice. These centers may offer lectures, workshops, seminars, and demonstrations conducted by industry experts. Students receive theoretical knowledge about aesthetic procedures, safety protocols, skincare techniques, and business management strategies.

To provide trainees with practical experience, training centers often recruit models willing to undergo specific procedures or treatments, typically at no cost. They undergo a screening process to ensure they meet eligibility criteria for the intended treatment, including considerations like age and medical history, often called the Good Faith Exam in the industry. Models are required to sign consent forms acknowledging their understanding of the procedure’s risks and benefits. Additionally, often the model will allow their before and after pictures to be utilized on the training center’s website. In return for their participation, models usually receive the procedure free of charge as compensation for their time. They may also receive additional incentives such as discounts on future treatments or products offered by the training center or affiliated medical spa.

The Business Aspects of an Aesthetic Training Center

In establishing and operating a training center, careful attention to legal and business considerations is paramount. Despite the educational nature of such centers, they are intricately linked to the practice of medicine and thus must adhere to the applicable regulatory frameworks and compliance standards.

Corporate Practice of Medicine Doctrine

Central to this understanding is the corporate practice of medicine (“CPOM”) doctrine, a state law enforced by many states which governs the relationship between physicians and corporate entities such as medical spas, generally prohibiting corporations or non-physician entities from controlling or influencing the practice of medicine. This doctrine remains significant within the context of training centers because it underscores the importance of compliance with foundational rules governing the practice of medicine, even within educational contexts.

The CPOM doctrine forms the bedrock upon which the establishment and operation of medical facilities, including training centers for medical spas, are built. Despite the educational emphasis of these aesthetic training centers, their activities inherently involve the practice of medicine.

While training centers can provide education and training on various aspects of operating a medical spa, such as skincare treatments and business management, they often cannot directly employ or supervise licensed health care professionals, such as physicians or nurse practitioners (NP), to perform medical procedures. Instead, training centers often collaborate with licensed health care professionals who serve as instructors or consultants. These professionals may deliver lectures, oversee hands-on training sessions, and provide guidance on clinical matters within their scope of practice. However, they retain autonomy and responsibility for making medical decisions and providing patient care in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Furthermore, training centers must be careful not to engage in activities that could be construed as the unauthorized practice of medicine. This includes avoiding direct involvement in patient care or the provision of medical services without appropriate licensure or supervision. Instead, the focus should be on providing education, training, and support to individuals interested in pursuing careers in the medical spa industry while respecting the legal boundaries surrounding medical practice.

Essential Players


Trainers are integral to the success of any training center, providing expertise and guidance to aspiring professionals. To formalize their engagement, training center agreements should outline the roles and responsibilities of trainers in detail. This includes defining the scope of their instructional duties, expectations regarding curriculum delivery, and compliance with regulations such as CPOM. CPOM regulations vary by jurisdiction but generally pertain to the delegation for medical responsibilities with corporate entities. Training centers must ensure that their agreements with trainers adhere to relevant CPOM guidelines to avoid legal pitfalls.


Trainee involvement in patient care necessitates careful consideration of their licensing status. Training centers must ascertain whether trainees possess the requisite licenses to perform tasks involving direct patient interaction. Moreover, appropriate levels of supervision are imperative to safeguard patient well-being and mitigate liability risks. By delineating supervision protocols in training agreements, training centers ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and uphold standards of care.


Models play a crucial role in providing a realistic training environment, often receiving medical treatments as part of the learning process. Prior to their involvement, thorough vetting procedures must be conducted, akin to standard patient clearance protocols. This includes obtaining comprehensive medical histories and conducting Good Faith Examinations to assess the models’ suitability for participation, and to ensure that individuals receiving treatments are suitable candidates and that their medical history and conditions are duly considered. By adhering to rigorous screening processes, training centers mitigate risks associated with adverse events and prioritize patient safety.

Training Centers

The training center serves as the orchestrator of the learning process, responsible for developing comprehensive curricula and facilitating training sessions. Written agreements — including a Services Agreement to delineate the relationship between the training center and the supervising physician, and an Aesthetic Training Agreement to establish the terms and conditions under which trainers provide their services during training program courses — play a pivotal role in outlining the scope of services provided by the training center.

Professional Development Tools in Aesthetics

Training Centers offer dynamic hubs for professional development within the aesthetic world of aesthetics. By addressing educational and legal structures, the nuances of regulatory compliance, and financial considerations, these centers provide a high-quality education while safeguarding the interests of all involved. Through attention to legal frameworks and ethical guidelines, training centers can contribute significantly to the continuously evolving aesthetic industry.

Let ByrdAdatto Help Structure Your Training Center

At ByrdAdatto, we help entrepreneurs navigate the intricate process of training center formation, ensuring clarity and compliance every step of the way. Our legal team is dedicated to guiding you through the complexities, providing the support you need to focus on long-term success. If you are ready to start a training center, we encourage you to contact ByrdAdatto here.

ByrdAdatto founding partner Michael Byrd

Michael S. Byrd

As the son of a doctor and entrepreneur, ByrdAdatto attorney Michael S. Byrd has a personal connection to both business and medicine.