Introducing Our Newest Attorney- Grace Lee

October 12, 2021

ByrdAdatto is excited to introduce the newest attorney to our team:  Grace Lee. Grace brings a rich business background of handling complex commercial and business disputes working at a Fortune 500 investment bank.

Before coming to ByrdAdatto, Grace worked as a litigation attorney and quickly learned the importance of the 5/50 rule — it’s always better to spend $5 avoiding a problem than it is to pay $50 to get rid of it.

“I noticed that many, if not most, of my defendant-clients didn’t even know that they were doing something wrong until it was too late. ‘If only I had known back then…’ was a phrase that I heard all too often,” Grace said. “I now focus on making sure my clients are protected as much as possible from being subject to future litigation.”

Since she has had the opportunity to see many of the different snares that entrepreneurs often fall into, Grace also brings a great deal of prescience to her work in compliance. She knows what works and what doesn’t — precisely because she’s had to craft defenses for contracts that were open to challenge in court.

Grace attended the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law and graduated in 2018. Before choosing to become a lawyer, Grace worked as an analyst for J. P. Morgan Chase. She is currently learning how to play the ukulele and spoiling Lana, her tiny white Poodle-mix.

At ByrdAdatto we are working hard to ensure our clients are well equipped and ready for operating their business. If you have questions regarding this article, reach out to or call 214.291.3200.