Physician Employment Contracts

March 8, 2017

Evaluating a physician employment opportunity requires not only the somewhat obvious scrutiny of the physician employment contract, but a broader assessment of the business opportunity itself.  Whether a physician is becoming an employee with a hospital or private practice, joining the faculty of a teaching institution, or starting their own practice, it is imperative that the physician evaluate the opportunity from all angles.

The following is an instructive webinar on both the business considerations and the contract considerations. This webinar was presented to the young plastic surgeons in conjunction with the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The webinar is titled “Contracting- From the Employee’s Side”.

If you have questions regarding this webinar or need assistance in reviewing your physician employment contract, please email us at

ByrdAdatto founding partner Michael Byrd

Michael S. Byrd

As the son of a doctor and entrepreneur, ByrdAdatto attorney Michael S. Byrd has a personal connection to both business and medicine.

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