And that’s a wrap on the 2022 Medical Spa Show in Las Vegas, Nevada! ByrdAdatto attorneys Brad Adatto, Michael Byrd, Jay Reyero, Renee Coover and Jeff Segal presented as part of the business and legal tracks and covered a myriad of topics, including MedSpa compliance for formation, ownership and staffing, attributes investors look for in a MedSpa business, how to deal with angry patients and their online reviews, and medical service organizations, to name a few.

As always, the ByrdAdatto team was grateful for the opportunity to connect with our Access+ family at the show and hope everyone had a chance to stop by our exhibit hall booth for some ByrdAdatto swag!

Mark your calendar for February 2-5, 2023 for next year’s Medical Spa Show at the Wynn resort in Las Vegas! In the meantime, check out AmSpa’s upcoming Medical Spa & Aesthetic Boot Camps. If you have additional questions about the show or boot camps, please contact AmSpa at (312) 981-0993.